What a great start to the month of December we have had. All of are boats have been limiting out on their catch of snapper and grouper on the inshore patch reefs. With all the plentiful bait inshore we have been using live pilchards with light jigs to drop to the bottom and what action it has produced. With the combination of our light tackle and live bait we get non-stop action on your entire fishing charter. After the patch reefs we have been heading offshore, Capt. Colin caught a double header sailfish 2 days ago using live thread herring. Capt. Taylor on the Coolwater 2 had a 55lb wahoo yesterday while he was live bait kite fishing offshore. With the water temps dropping the pelagic fishing is only getting better, especially with our Tuna fishing. Black fin tuna are one of the most fun fish to catch on light tackle here in key west. Please come join us soon


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